A couple of Anne Fogartys.. Same era Completely different styles


Registered Guest
I acquired these Anne Fogarty dresses from the same source and they could not be more different! I remember reading somewhere that Fogarty had a collection of metallic Greek inspired dresses that put her on the map with the "hip" clientel, I am not sure if this is from this...
THe black velvet has dangling fringe balls at the neckline and oh sooooooo wiggle!
Love em!!

Now listed on VintageTrend on Ebay!

<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06142.jpg">
<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06144.jpg">
<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06068.jpg">
<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06071.jpg">