A few dress questions this morning and date check


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Hello,, I am stumped on this one this morning. I think perhaps I am over thinking this?

Is this late 40s to early 50s?

the sleeves are throwing me off and the length. Its rather short for 40s but the sleeves even look like some 30s pieces. The label looks 40s/50s to me too and the zipper is a long side metal....

I originally thought 40s but the length and fullness is odd its not a circle skirt, its pleated like a long tennis skirt. And as pictured it does appear the hem has been shortened so that would make sense?

So my questions are age? what are the pleats on the skirt that fold over ? (knife pleats?) and what is the term for the lace detail on the bodice as well as the little pleats/piping design?

I am sorry to ask so many questions and I am sure if I searched for hours I could find these answeres and still be unsure I am actually using the proper terms lol!

Thank you all in advance!
It looks early 40s to me and possibly remade from an Edwardian dress. Metal zippers were available well into 1942 and again in 1945, so its only a few years when they aren't being made but that doesn't mean there wasn't existing stocks around, plus a home sewer having extras at home so in case you eliminated wartime 40s from your mind because of the zipper, don't - they were being used.
Thank you Jonothan.. i didn't put the label in my collage I just realized that... sorry, so its not an Edwardian remake?... but the lace pattern on bodice is throwing me too!

thank you again!
If its made in Switzerland it won't date after spring 1940 since once Italy declared war on France in June 1940 trade avenues to the U.S. via Italy from Switzerland came to a halt. At least this was the case for Bally shoes.
awesome so would 1939/1940 be an accutare description or should I stuck with early 40s?

thank you,,, and I'm glad I'm not totaly crazy.. i stated the sleeves look like some 30s dresses Ive had so I am looking at a cusper ?

thank you all again! yall are wonderful
I think this is from the 1950's, looks like cotton voile and the label refers to the fabric - which was very popular as an export from Switzerland. Using 'Super' as in 'Super -Voile' is probably post-WW11. I haven't come across a dress where the thread count is quoted but I don't think that would be common until post-war either.

I think the overall shape of the bodice and skirt fits the mid-1950's. The length if it has been shortened would be good too.
great... now I am back where i started... torn between 40s and 50s and see hints of 30s lol.. on the plus side. the diffenece makes me feel better about questioning myself... i felt as if I were regressing... do I need to put anymore photos?

Thank you kindly!
Thankyou Amber,, i knew the name "pin tucks" but I haven't dealt with much fashion so this is actally my first piece with them to my knowledge so good to know for sure!

Thank you again, I know it has been shortened some because the hems stitching is a slightly different color pink than the rest. I think its current length was throwing me off, though its only a few inches difference a few inches can mean a lot!