Hello,, I am stumped on this one this morning. I think perhaps I am over thinking this?
Is this late 40s to early 50s?
the sleeves are throwing me off and the length. Its rather short for 40s but the sleeves even look like some 30s pieces. The label looks 40s/50s to me too and the zipper is a long side metal....
I originally thought 40s but the length and fullness is odd its not a circle skirt, its pleated like a long tennis skirt. And as pictured it does appear the hem has been shortened so that would make sense?
So my questions are age? what are the pleats on the skirt that fold over ? (knife pleats?) and what is the term for the lace detail on the bodice as well as the little pleats/piping design?
I am sorry to ask so many questions and I am sure if I searched for hours I could find these answeres and still be unsure I am actually using the proper terms lol!
Thank you all in advance!
Is this late 40s to early 50s?
the sleeves are throwing me off and the length. Its rather short for 40s but the sleeves even look like some 30s pieces. The label looks 40s/50s to me too and the zipper is a long side metal....
I originally thought 40s but the length and fullness is odd its not a circle skirt, its pleated like a long tennis skirt. And as pictured it does appear the hem has been shortened so that would make sense?
So my questions are age? what are the pleats on the skirt that fold over ? (knife pleats?) and what is the term for the lace detail on the bodice as well as the little pleats/piping design?
I am sorry to ask so many questions and I am sure if I searched for hours I could find these answeres and still be unsure I am actually using the proper terms lol!
Thank you all in advance!