A Fun Shoe Photo


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I just love this shop window photo, and thought i would share it. I bought it a few years ago. Maybe I am weird to like it. Maybe its what boots do when their wearers aren't home or sound asleep ;)

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/shoewindow.jpg" width=500 height=410>

If I passed that shop window, I would definitely walk in the door!

I was going to use it as a graphic, etc, but may just frame it and enjoy it in my office. It certainly is surreal...in a good way though. It is from the 1960s, and i think it is a shop window in St. Louis, but my memory is fuzzy...i will have to read the back stamps again.
I really need to get all my photos out and store them better. I may finally get around to the bushels of my WWII photos...oh well...another day.

Lizzie...that is what i miss...store window displays. malls have obliterated them in a big way. Some stores still have things in their windows but its just not nearly the same. There are still some great downtown areas but not all of them have windows, or the folks doing them truly have no desire to outdo the next one. Its like they say "i am putting something here to fill this up" but it isn't usually too interesting