A Guessing Game - Fun with Ads from 1948

I'm having trouble posting a comment on your blog,so can I guess here??

1) you already said nail polish/lipstick (I thought it could also have been jewelry)

2) I think the gal with parasol is advertising lingerie, a strapless girdle/bra like Maidenform, maybe?

3) How about Listerine? Lysol? or a brand of automobile?

4) I think maybe the bride is dreaming of hope chests? or diamonds? or something silly like canned pineapple??

Jen, I'm giving you half credit on #3. The ad IS for Listerine, but it is not being used for bad breath. So what IS it being used for??????

No on the other two.

gosh i just LOVE your blog!! great idea w/the ads/guessing, and i LOVE your entry about Moygashel linen (always learning SOMEthing around here!!) and your Frank Tisch is SO delicious!!!

great blog, Jody, keep up the excellent work!!!


and thank you for the entertainment and education you provide!!!
Oh gosh. could Listerine have been marketed as a douche?? Or maybe for head lice or under arms or something equally gross??? :cry:
The Listerine was marketed for DANDRUFF!!! You were supposed to shampoo with it. And the bride was in an ad for Gorham Sterling flatware.

Thanks, Mary!