A small request!


Registered Guest
Hi everyone :)

I'm brand new here (but I can already see that I will be spending a lot of time on the forum!)

At the moment, I am just dipping my toes into the world of vintage, but it's definitely something that interests me and I would love to to explore it more!

But, basically, I need some help! I'm a student at the University of Amsterdam in Holland, and I'm conducting a research project into the worldwide vintage scene. In order to get the best data possible, I'd really like to interview some people who are heavily into vintage! I have been asking around on vintage blogs but without too much success, so I thought that a forum may be another good place to look!

What would happen is - I would send you a word document with 20 vintage-related questions on it, and you would fill it out and send back to me! It shouldn't take too long and there are no personal questions on there. The main thing I am trying to decipher is what the appeal of vintage is and why it means so much to people.

If you are able and willing to help (or know of any vintage bloggers that might be worth contacting), please either reply to this thread or you can send me an email to .... Thanks so much, you'd really be helping a student out!