A tip for vintage bloggers


VFG Board Member
I'm trying to create a database of bloggers and their emails to invite you to our Vintage Roadshow blog collaborative, but am having a heck of a time finding your email addresses.

If you have a blog, please add your email address. Sometimes readers won't post a comment but might want to get in touch with you via email.

OT - I don't understand the link for Amazon. What am I s'posed to search for over there to help VFG? please & thank you.
Sandra, do you mean one should have one's email address on their blog page, and/or you need our email addresses?

Leisa, do you mean the link above, in the header? If you buy anything on Amazon and go through this link, there is financial benefit to the VFG. Ditto the eBay link. Others can explain this in better detail.