Absolutely gorgeous manni heads on eBay


I was browsing the heads on eBay and saw these.

<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7140774871&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT" target=blank><img src="http://decoeyes.com/models/cleo/2e.jpg"></A>

<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7140776121&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT" target=blank><img src="http://decoeyes.com/models/kate/8a.jpg"></A>

They're repros. I'm lusting after them...

They do beautiful work, and you might get a bargain on an auction. Although, sometimes they go for even more at auction than they have them priced at retail - go figure

I love that site.......I would like to have several just scattered about the
living room. Find them incredibly decorative

I was strongly considered purchasing one in particular, but then was faced with manni vs head, so I went with my mannequin for now so I could go clothing as well, though I am looking to get her a more period looking wig for the 40s hats I get.

I really really love the work they do, and see one in my future that I have been really strongly considering on their website....ah.....some day!
One thing I always have to consider is shipping cost.....I keep hoping that I will attend a local estate auction that has several vintage heads

I came across this company last year. Jonathan bought a great head from them shortly after...I can't remember his gal, but she is gorgeous.

We should add them to our links. Beautiful stuff.
I think adding them to our links is a great idea.

I looked at their past auctions and did notice that some of them sell higher than the retail price. I'm sure the seller is happy!!

One thing about them that I find neat is that it's truly a family business - I think the website said it's a dad, mom and son working out of their home.
