ACWA label?


VFG Treasurer
I am trying to date this corduroy jacket and thought it was from the 80s but then I saw this label inside one of the inside pockets. Is this a ACWA label and if so from when? The other label is sewn over it and I don't won't to remove the stitches. Thought someone here would recognize it from what is visible.


It's difficult to see your ACWA label. A label with numbers to the left of the sewing machine and no registration R in the lower left corner was used from 1949 to 1962 and in the earlier years the numbers were red. Post 1962 the ACWA labels became a registered trademark and you will find a circled R in the lower left corner. These labels remained in use until 1976. However, this is only an approximate because some companies would use up their stock of existing labels before switching to the new labels.