Adams Row Suit Jacket Label Identification

Karisa P

Registered Guest
I am replacing the lining of a friend's men's suit jacket and I discovered an interesting label on the inside of the pocket. It has a line for the date and I was wondering if anyone would be able to decipher it. The numbers don't quite make sense as a date unless it is May 30th of 1991? I am very unfamiliar with labels so I may be completely off.

It is in good condition other than the lining being completely torn up. Some of the notches on the inside seams are almost definitely machine cut. I am not necessarily looking for a precise dating of the garment, which is why I am not including more pictures/info, but I am curious to know the meaning of that pocket label.

I have included both the pocket label and the other two labels on the jacket. The brand is Adams Row, as you can see. I could not find much information about this brand from my quick Google Search or in this site's label index. Any info would be welcome!
