Adorable Outdorables! Shoes by Daniel Green.

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The style of these shoes makes me think 40's. But the printing on the stickers on the box seem MUCH later. Maybe 60's?

I know that Daniel green seems to have been primarily a maker of fine slippers... I just love the pun of these! The soles are made of a soft... rubber? I guess it's almost like a thick slipper sole!

So.. date suggestions?
And... in my effort to avoid ebay as much as possible, any ideas what a fair price for these would be in my vc-mall store?






That's a style that was worn for a long time. I think I even had some similar in the 80s.

So my guess is 60s, but it's only a guess.

Those are very cute!

Like Hollis, I agree that style is kind of eraless - or many eras. They also produced some styles for many years on end. I sold a style from maybe the early 90s or late 80s, and they made the same style from the 70s up until the mid 90s, and the only way you would be able to tell would be the label style and some minor detail on the slipper that you would really have to know the line to know it or slight color differences.

those are adorable!

One way to tell is there any bar codes on the box. That would definetly date them I don't see any.
( isn't that awful that I date some new things by bar codes)
no bar code... just dot-matrix looking printed stickers.

So far I've listed them in my mall store as "40's/60's" and in the description said "The style looks very 40's... but these shoes changed very little over time. The stickers on the box lead me to believe these were made later. Possibly in the 1960's."

does that sound fair? I don't want to be misleading on them!
