Advice on snakeskin


Registered Guest
Hello everyone! My name is Kathy; I live in western Pa. My hobbies are shopping at local thrift stores and being abused by my cat. I want to thank everyone for all the really useful information you've posted on this board. I have a rather pressing matter; I was out shoppping today and I came across a pair of Mr Seymour snakeskin shoes for $2. I bought them of course but they need a little help. The skin is a little dried out so the scales are starting to pull away. As I was cleaning the up with some exotic leather conditioner I noticed that there doesn't seem to be any sealer used on these shoes. Is that typical for snakeskin or is it possible that the anything that was used to seal them has worn off over time. Any advice you guys would have be great. I've included some pictures bellow. I'm sorry for the poor quality. The only digital camera I have is on my cell phone it is not very powerful. I hope these pictures illustrate what I'm talking about at least a little bit. Thanks.





Hi Kathy and welcome! :hiya:

You have a very nice pair of shoes there!

No matter what they were treated with in the past may not matter now. Snakeskin does start to peel over time if it dries out. What does matter is what you are willing to do to spiffy them up.

If you want them to be tidied up to be in their best possible condition, you may just want to take them to your local shoemaker and have them professionally cleaned and polished. Tell the person there you want the peeling scales taken care of as best possible. If they know what they are doing, they will do what's best for your shoes.

l have used a tiny bit of pva glue on a cocktail lubricates, lays them flat and then dries clear which is the brilliant fact wot would l do without my tin of goodies, Wd40, a pencil, locktite, pva, clear lubricating polish/feed, leather cleaner,w oolite and fairy liquid LOL!!

Originally posted by sarasattic
l have used a tiny bit of pva glue on a cocktail lubricates, lays them flat and then dries clear which is the brilliant fact wot would l do without my tin of goodies, Wd40, a pencil, locktite, pva, clear lubricating polish/feed, leather cleaner,w oolite and fairy liquid LOL!!


:o Is there a post stickied somewhere with what all that stuff does. I very interested to know what exactly you do with the WD40. :o

Also, I'm guessing these shoes are from the sixties. I was wondering if anybody knows when they started using those little plastic see through sections in shoes. I have another pair of black velvet sling backs with them, that I believe are from the fifties.
WD 40 is good for fixing zips in minute quantities..beware it is a grease/oil....anything thats stuck?+"£$%^& like rusty bikes, chains...oooh the mind boggles....also great for curtain rails that the hoks are all sruck on yeah plastic runners...a squirt on a kitthen roll and Bob's your uncle, or tony or phil!!

and other things that will come to me after l leave the pc...
pve for sticking anything wihtout leaving much of a trace, what you can see you pick off...rhinestones..paper, wood, snakeskins cells, if you want a shiny finish....resticking unfranked postage stamps..yes l steam 'em off and feel good cos l got a free stamp...l know it doenst take much.... l'm a cheap date!!

pencil for that stuck metal zip, and the rest are self explanatory...oh fairy liquid, which is a really strong concentrate washing up liquid (for dishes in the sink) its great for getting that adhesive off thats been left by a sale sticker.....why dont they think BEFORE they stick 'em on!!! but a drop in HOt water will clean paperbacks, patent, leather if not soaked....etc etc...l will come back and add if l think of more...

oh those see thru bits on shoes..l saw my gran wearing a pair of platforms in 1938-39...and she was on the stage my of those tableau's Mrs henderson and Phyliss Dixie...yes she was...another piece of useless info for you!!!LOL
Welcome! And very "hot" shoes you have there!

I agree with Sara on gluing down the peeling scales--I use the tip of a toothpick (is that the same as a British cocktail stick?) and clear glue. They are great shoes and snakeskin seems to always do well, but I'm not sure I'd have them professionally done up--depends on how much your local shoe shop would charge. I'd at least take them in to have an estimate given. But I think you can do them up nicely yourself! I've had really good luck doing my own work on shoes, but also have two local shops I can turn to for more than I can comfortably do on my own! And I don't think snakeskin usually has any sealant over it, but I'm not sure--having never owned anything "new" in such, and only having experience with vintage items, which never seem to have anything over top of the skin.