Hello everyone! My name is Kathy; I live in western Pa. My hobbies are shopping at local thrift stores and being abused by my cat. I want to thank everyone for all the really useful information you've posted on this board. I have a rather pressing matter; I was out shoppping today and I came across a pair of Mr Seymour snakeskin shoes for $2. I bought them of course but they need a little help. The skin is a little dried out so the scales are starting to pull away. As I was cleaning the up with some exotic leather conditioner I noticed that there doesn't seem to be any sealer used on these shoes. Is that typical for snakeskin or is it possible that the anything that was used to seal them has worn off over time. Any advice you guys would have be great. I've included some pictures bellow. I'm sorry for the poor quality. The only digital camera I have is on my cell phone it is not very powerful. I hope these pictures illustrate what I'm talking about at least a little bit. Thanks.