Age and style of dresses and headpiece??


Registered Guest
Hello, and thanks in advance for any information someone might provide. :-)

I have several things that were my grandmothers that I'm not sure what to do with, and I'm not sure of their age or value to know if they are desirable pieces. There are a couple of dresses, in particular, that I think are lovely, and there is also a headpiece that is in good shape. She was born in 1910, and passed away at the age of 97. My guess is that the items are from the '40's - 60's. If anyone can date them or tell me if there is a particular style name for the dresses or the headpiece, it would be much appreciated!

First, the tag in this dress says "Dyanne".


This one is a Doris Dodson:



And finally, the headpiece:



Again, thanks for any information you might be able to share!

Hi Brenda -

Your grandmother's dresses are lovely. They both look very early 1960's to me but they could be from the late 1950's - they are classic shirtwaist styles and have deep hems. (Deep hems indicates they might have been shortened.) There's a little bit about Doris Dodson in our Label Resource: I did not check for the other label.

I can't help you with the hat - but my guess is probably about the same age - late 1950's/early 1960's.

You can look through some of our member's shops to see if you can find comparable pieces if you decide to sell them.

Your grandmother was tiny!

For some reason, and maybe it's the pearl necklace, that white dress screams June Cleaver! But they are both delightful. And very well taken care of. :)
Thanks so much for the information! I had looked for the Dyanne label in the resources, but forgot to look for the other one.

And yes, she was tiny. The two pictured dresses have 23" waists. She wasn't much over 5'.

I'd been looking on eBay to see if I could find any similar hats, and when I searched 'floral bandeau', the results were all of tight-fitting, sleeveless tops or dresses. I'll do a bit more looking and hopefully will find some specifics.

Many formerly-nice wool items, unfortunately, had moth holes here and there, but generally speaking, the cotton ones are in good shape.

Thanks again for the help!
