Age/Era of Schreiner NY Earrings?


Registered Guest
Season's Greetings & Hello Everyone!
I've been admiring you all from afar (well ok, I'm the one who's been lurking anonymously--shyly--on the forums) for months now. I hope to be a vetted member of the VFG when I grow up. (I just hope I don't die of old age first!)

In the meantime, I have much to learn... I'm hoping to gain knowledge & inspiration here...

My first question is regarding these clip on earrings by Schreiner New York that I stumbled upon at Goodwill !!! Didn't even see the mark until I got them home. I learned A LOT that day... (bought a bunch of junk, but I could tell these were special.) Under bright lights when I opened the clip, I found the signature.

I'm wondering if anyone can offer info on what age/era they may be?

Any words of wisdom on how to describe them, as well?

(The color was very hard to capture... whenever I tried to put them on a dark background, the black prongs turned blue, and so did the stones... they are actually amber in color and the rhinestones at the top and bottom are light yellow).

Any ideas on how or, -- even if I should -- clean them?
What do you all think of those gray cloth thingies that you sometimes get at the jewelry counter? Would one of those be ok to use?

Thanks so much for everything! I've gotten so much pleasure reading everyone else's posts... don't know what I'll do with myself now that I've finally touched base here...

Please scroll down for photos...hope they work! Sorry about the long post...


Ho, boy. That didn't work: let's try this. Sheesh. Sorry everyone!

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="288" height="192" flashvars="" pluginspage=""></embed>
I would leave the cleaning to the buyer. If they are foil back rhinestones, looks like they are- You may get a dry q-tip to get some dust off. Otherwise, I would let your 1950s 60s earrings alone. They are so brilliant and pretty. I wouldn't mess with them too much.
The grey cloth you are getting from the jewelers is a silver - eye glass cleaning cloth and wont harm your costume jewelry if its dry and clean.
Nice find!

If you go to Jane Clark's page on Schreiner (which has a brief description of the company's jewelry at the top), there's a pair of earrings quite similar to yours, though the colors of your rhinestones are different. (I can't tell if they have a combo of 2 or 3 colors--amber and citrine, or amber, citrine and clear?)

The rhinestones are foiled, with some open back settings, and the central cabochon is unfaceted (looks like there may be a bit of foil damage to them which perhaps your pics exaggerate?) I can't tell if any of the stones are reverse set (ie point up vs down). The pronged settings are sometimes referred to as "pie crust" settings.

I'll leave the dating of these lovelies to someone better versed in Schreiner than me!

(KK--if you click on the little box that looks like a you tube video, it brings up a supersized web album!)
Aha! Thanks for the quick reply... Let's see, I'm fumbling around a bit... but on my screen (which is hopefully what you'll see, as well)... on the lower left corner of the "slide show" there is a little yellow person. If you click on that the title appears (as I named it in Picasa) which in this case is "Etsy Schreiner ERs" that will take you to my web album for the still shots! Whew. Sorry for the trouble... couldn't seem to get pics to post but got the slide show... ! What's next? The movie?!?

Oh, by the way... the Etsy thing is just a title because I plan to list them, but haven't yet as I don't know what I'm doing...

Do you happen to have the url or web site for Jane Clark? Can't seem to find it using Google...
These don't appear to be foiled on the back... It's kind of hard to describe. It is...hard? I mean, they look kind of like brass snow flakes on the bottom, made out of hard metal. I think what you were seeing as damage is actually a uniform opening behind 3 stones on each earring...
Whew. I've got to go to bed...will check back tomorrow when I can absorb this wisdom.
Hey Susan [waving!]

It's good to see you posting. :)

Fabulous find, and you could possibly refer to them as cluster earrings for your description, and your stones have a great amber/yellow topaz coloring.

I know those as 'dog's tooth' prongs (also sometimes called 'houndstooth prongs'), which are just other names for that setting, which is a typical Schreiner feature.

Like Carrie said, Schreiner is also known for setting their stones in reverse or 'upside down' -- however, I've clicked on the close-up and they are set in the regular fashion -- however, I've noticed an usual cut on the main cab, which has a table! (flat across the top). And the other stones also have a larger than usual table -- very interesting design.

I'd say you've got yourself a winner! :sunshine: