Amalgamated Garment Union Label Date????


Hi Everyone! It's my first time posting on this board and look forward to getting to know you all. I would like to know how the Amalgamated Garment Workers of America Union tags work...Do the series and copyright date actually pertain to the date of manufacturing?? I'm preparing a listing for a (I think 1950's) tuxedo jacket and found a cloth union label inside the pocket. It has the old fashioned sewing machine and also says copyright 1949 and series G. Here's a pic of the label. Thanks! Joanne
<img src="" width=640 height=480>
Hi Joanne!!

A very big welcome to you!! I am glad to see you are jumping right in!!

I could have sworn we had something about Amalgamated in our Label Resource but was unable to find it!!

Let me see if I can rustle up some help for your question!!

Hi! Welcome! Nice to see you!

I usually think of that union label for 40s and 50s garments. However, there really was no set date when it stopped being used. I have found men's suit coats as late as the late 60s with it inside the pocket.

I just looked and all the jackets I currently have are all different "series" so I don't know if that indicates type of garment, contract with the manufacturer, or what.

I think that when dating by Union label, you have to take all the factors into account - look of the regular label that is in it, features of the jacket (well, at least that's what I had to do) :)
