Amazing Belt 60's? or 70's Millefore & Jasper Conchos?

Amazing Belt 60\'s? or 70\'s Millefore & Jasper Conchos?

Firstly aint this a doll? I have a local haunt that always seems to have the best accessories. Leather with Red Jasper and Glass Millefiore(sp?) cabachons. Would you call the settings concho? Is it most likely 60's or 70's?
It has a 70s feel to it but I also see that sort of thing brand new in the Mexican cowboy shops here in the Chicago.
Hi, I am from New Mexico originally, not that makes me an expert. Far from it, but most conchos are hand-stamped. I'd love to see the concho off the belt and a close up. It is possible that these are old-pawn placed on a newer belt. The back of the conch seems to be that, but I can't tell. If so, the conch is worth enough on its own without the belt. I cannot tell if they are made of silver or nickel from the photos. Can you post a pic close up of back? I volunteer today but I will be home later and will check in.
Originally posted by BijouVintage
bumpity bump bump? inquiring minds want to know

Those sure do look like Old Pawn pieces. The old pawn pieces do not have hallmarks, sometimes they will have a crude symbol or mark. Are there any stampings on back? Also Old Pawn doesn't have that "polished" look we've come to know in the newer pieces. Try the link below for more info. Also there is a lot of fake old pawn or what passes for old pawn. I love the belt, btw!