An Original by Marni - skirt & blouse

Dilly Day

Registered Guest
I have just bought this blouse & skirt and wonder if anyone would be able to help with information about the date and label?
The style with sailor collar and shoulder pads shouts mid 1980s to me. There are no labels in either piece to show what the fabric is but I'm sure it is silk including the skirt lining. No size labels either but I would think about a modern UK 16 - it's too big for my size 12 mannequin.
The only Marni label I can find wasn't established until 1994 which seems a decade too late for these pieces. Also all the Marni labels I have seen are embroidered in red and don't have "an original by...". Could there have been another designer called Marni? I just can't find anything if so.
Any help or info would be most welcome.

those type of labels were especially popular in the 1980s (other times, too, but with the big designer label trend going on at that time) that a seamstress could have them made up to put in their home sewn and/or custom sewn garments. That type of label (at that time) was very inexpensive to order, and a lot seamstresses and design students invested in them. Seems to me the laundering labels could also be purchased at fabric shops, too.
Thank you for your reply - that makes perfect sense. The pieces are beautifully made by a skilled sewer. When I looked closely I could see that the Marni label was hand sewn to the garment. I do seem to remember seeing these type of labels for sale in the haberdashery section of department stores along with sew-in name tapes many years ago.