and another housecoat - ? NEW QUESTION ?

Here's another housecoat and I'm at a complete loss on time - no tags, but it's in fabulous condition. All silky smooth salmony pink satin - plain with quilted trim. Turned up winged (?) cuffs. Unlined. The belt threads thru the inside to tie in the front.

One side of me thinks it's earlier than 50s, but the other side says - hmmm, nope.
What do the experts think?

As always, moucho THANKS!

HI Deborah! :)

I'm not sure either - a part of me thinks more 60s, but I know what you mean about the earlier confusion - those cuffs aren't that 60s housecoat are they?

Am in a rush but will think and be back later..
I thought I had responded earlier, but I guess I forgot to press "post reply" - but considering I was in a car accident this morning and the sound of crashing metal was still in my ears, I have a good excuse. Thankfully, no one was hurt!

Thanks for the bump, Brenda!

Hi Harriet! any more thoughts? I thought 60s too when I bought it years ago, but something's nagging at me...

Mmmm, Nick and Nora - don't remember them, Mary, but will rent one - I love the oldies
Yikes Deborah!!! Are you okay? (aside from still

Can't help you out with the dating - my first thought was
60s also, but the cuffs confuse me. Your pics are

Thanks, Sue! Yes, I'm okay, hubby's okay and the woman who flung her door (on a two door car, of course) open on a busy crowded and very narrow blvd is okay too. I was two car lengths away and had a nanosecond to choose between hitting her door or swerving to the left and having another car hit me. Thankfully, we were only going about 35 klics (I don't remember what that is in miles). Sure does wake you up - literally and figuratively!

So glad to hear everyone's OK, and I hope you are treating yourself very gently today!

My husband totalled our car on my birthday 7 years ago (I was the only passenger; no kids in tow, thank goodness), and though we escaped without a scratch, I remember how I kept replaying the shocking sounds of the accident in my head for a day or two afterward... Definitely not fun!

Anyway, I'm getting an earlier-than-60s vibe from this, too... Though it doesn't have very squared shoulders or pads or anything, that front yoke treatment seems very 40ish.

Does the collar naturally stand up like that? If so, that seems like a 40ish stylistic quirk, too.

Gorgeous, gorgeous color and fabric... (Everytime you start hearing horrid screeching metal sounds, just take out the robe and meditate on its utter beauty!)
Thanks for all your concern and good wishes. You guys are the greatest! Happy you and your DH walked away from that one, Carrie - YEESH.

I had my husband drive me over to get movies, I'm still a little nervous. Don't know if it's any good, but since I don't have the focus to list today (not like I list everyday...) or now, I thought I'd watch the Devil Wears Prada - a stretch, but kinda like work.

Yes, Mary, the back is a quilted yoke like the front and Carrie the collar seems to stand naturally - I didn't even think to try and fold it back.

I'll put 40s in the title and perhaps say possibly as early as late 30s.

Off to meditate on it's beauty before I put the movie in. :)
