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We are happy to announce the new board members for 2005

On our private board we held nominations and nominated some very worthy opponents. These nominations were then accepted.

We then held an open board where they posted thier bios telling a bit about themselves and answered questions which were posed to all of them and what we could expect from them in the way of serving the VFG to thier fullest.. ( all were very good bios)

We then held a debate of sorts where questions were asked and the candidates for President and Vice President answered these questions with the utmost intelligence and professionalism.

Well the final voting has been done in the past few days and it was a tough choice for all of us considering the great people that were nominated.

This is the results of the voting and your new Board for the VFG for 2005

Pres Anne artisannes

VP Jonathan Jonathan

Secretary Justine whirly-girl

MALs in alphabetical order

Bonnie bontonvintage

Carolyn Bigchief

Chris patentleathershoes

Deb dibs2002

Marie the vintagepeddler

Sue bartondoll

Congratulations and have a happy and successful 2005

Please congratulate them
They will serve you well

Thank you the Nomination Committee

Timber late*bloomers
Christine ourbabyroo
Thanks Pauline - yes I am thrilled to have been elected for a second term as is Jonathan - so we are the same old faces.

Also back in office is Justine (only this time as the VFG's secretary rather than her previous role of MAL) Sue (who has 'traded places' with Justine and is now a MAL, not the secretary) and Carolyn, who remains a MAL.

Our new faces in the board room as MAL's are:

Bonnie bontonvintage

Chris patentleathershoes

Deb dibs2002

Marie the vintagepeddler

And a big thank you to our elections committee who volunteered their time.

Our new MAL's will officially take up their office as of January 1st.

Thanks are due to our departing MAL's - Lizzie/fuzzylizzie, Liz/Schoolsgirl and Timber/latebloomers for the part they played in this year's running of the VFG.

Linda - Vintageclothesline, continues as our financial director because she did too good a job this year and we are holding her captive with only her calculator for company :)

I am delighted to have been elected MAL this year. I've been with the VFG since the beginning, and am the webmaster here. It's been so rewarding to see the site grow over the last couple years into the resource that it is today. I am sure that by the end of this year it will be even bigger and better!

I also own and run the VC-Mall, which now includes a regular buyer's newsletter that will feature special items, themes, sellers, occasions, coupons - you never know. You can sign up to receive it at

Looking forward to the next year with VFG.

I've served as Secretary for VFG for the past two years and have
seen so many changes in that time (not the least of which was the
official launching of this site and also the VC-Mall). It has definitely
been a rewarding experience.

I am thrilled to be remaining on the board this year in the capacity of
an MAL (Member at Large), and am looking forward to working with the
new executive, as we continue to forge ahead!

I would like to mention that an MAL is an elected representative
for the members, so if anyone has any questions, please do not
hesitate to email or u2u any of the MALs.

Hello to all VFG'ers!! I am Bonnie (aka bonton*vintage) and one of the 4 Canadian members on the board this year!! I am new to the board as a Member at Large, but have been with the Vintage Fashion Guild since the very beginning. It is wonderful to see how we have grown and this year promises to be very interesting with even more growth and new projects.

Looking forward to a super year!!

Hollis, thanks for unchaining me. I am stuffed!! Had a great day with family and friends and will be back tomorrow.

Congrats to all the new Board and Officers!!
I am very excited to have been elected to one of the MAL positions.
I am really looking forward to working with the board this year.
As a representative of the general membership please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and I will do my best to either answer them myself or forward them along to the right person.

I am happy to be working on the board for another year, and this time with some new faces in the crowd! You really get to know people when you are squished into a board room and start chewing the fat! I know we will be adding lots new features in the coming year and growing our numbers even more. And remember - ALWAYS look for the VFG when shopping on eBay!
I was very pleasantly surprised to learn of the election results. I look forward to serving the VFG in a bigger way in this coming year! I will continue to also carry forth the spirit on the public board. If you are new to the public board and have any questions or ideas please feel free to send me a U2U message! Or better yet, just "jump in," and chat :)


(patentleathershoes here and on ebay)
(KitschNSink at the vc-mall and......?....coming soon!)