Another blazer...probably not late 40s, right?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
another week, another estate (keep in mind color is off, i am running out of light and it is turning out odd looking. i will redo photos in the morning.) fabric has a bit more dimension than that and also the color is a different blue and not bright like that.

Every single thing i see that has more of a peaked collar ends up being 90s doing whatever when i give it a second look disappointing! Now this one has the old union label with the sewing machine, a high back vent and a peaked collar

Do i have my hopes up too high that this is late 40s? or am i only just the victem of wishful thinking again and it is some later decade ...50s, 60s, ? really decent size as it is a bit big for my 42" form. oh well, its a nice jacket anyways even if not. and i bet the answer is obvious and i will feel a bit stupified.


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<img src="" width=360 height=505>
40s double breastsed will have only 2 buttons that actually button. The top two buttons on the front will be set at a wide high position. And 40s is more likely to not have a back vent at all. When it's a full 6 button straight line closure like this, it's almost always 60s - 70s.

Yes that's the idea, That's a 90s version. When you have 6 buttons, but only the bottom one functions.

Here's an early 40s suit where you can see the square arrangement of the bottom 4 buttons and the closed back. Some men only buttoned the middle button, letting the skirts of the coat spread when they sat down.

This coat is a titch tight on Monty, so it isn't hanging as smoothly as it should have.


There's your dapper fashion model again :) (has he gotten fan mail yet LOL).

Is that from his personal wardrobe or is that something that you had sold prior?

I WILL find an older suit one of these days....luckily i have guys out there that like the 60s. :)

It was his personal suit, but he had me sell it last year. I just have been keeping photos of menswear - not sure why anymore, just am.

Wooohoooo, it's my favorite model!!!!!

Oh gosh, I haven't seen that beaming face in quite a few months!!!

My day has just gotten so much brighter :bouncy:

I'm glad you are keeping the photos Hollis. I have decided to make an ernest effort to expand my selection of men's vintage. Now I know who to turn to for help!! Cool!!

:kiss2: Maureen