Another one w/roses, 50s or 60s? And what are the


Registered Guest
Hi again,

Ok... what about this one? And what are the panels on the side referred to?
<img src='' width=178 height=636 >
<img src='' width=324 height=512 >
<img src='' width=216 height=554 >
<img src='' width=255 height=562 >
<img src='' width=280 height=409 >
Another one for early 60s. Large prints are very 60s, you don't really get those big prints in the 50s. Also the little dresses like these with overskirts are typical of 1961-63. It looks like an overskirt in the picture, but if they are panels then I would call them maybe flying panels creating an overskirt effect?
Miss Vixen -

You are showing us some tasty dresses!! Get that auction link up so everyone can know where to bid!!
