Any Jewelry Experts??? Need help.


Registered Guest
Hello everyone. I recently came across some lovely earrings, most of which I can semi-identify, but the one's I have posted here seem different and I'm stumped. Can anyone help with description, date, or origins...anything? I'm not a big jewelry seller, I am more familiar with Silver from my native New Mexico. The green drop ones actually have a face carved on them, created with some kind of stone. Thank you.






Very pretty -- the first and last pair often come out of the former West Germany or out of Austria (sometimes they are marked, sometimes not) -- 60's.

Lovely beads on the second pair. The beads themselves are older and also Czech, but these are a marriage -- beads were added to contemporary chains and then added to clipbacks -- all from different eras.

The third pair are also Czech and appear to be in the same time period (60's to 70's), from the appearance of the 'weight' and style. But need to see the backs to confirm. Nice Peking glass stones.

Nice lot!
Thank you, I noticed a faint stamp of W. Germany on the third pair. The first and last have no stamp but do look familiar to one another.

Originally posted by Metro Retro Vintage
Very pretty -- the first and last pair often come out of the former West Germany or out of Austria (sometimes they are marked, sometimes not) -- 60's.

Lovely beads on the second pair. The beads themselves are older and also Czech, but these are a marriage -- beads were added to contemporary chains and then added to clipbacks -- all from different eras.

The third pair are also Czech and appear to be in the same time period (60's to 70's), from the appearance of the 'weight' and style. But need to see the backs to confirm. Nice Peking glass stones.

Nice lot!
Originally posted by cmpollack
Pretty pretty pretty!

My first thought on the first or last is West Germany, but I seem to remember having similar ones marked Japan too...

Are the green beads glass, ceramic, or stone? I LOVE those--the profile has a Classical feel to me...

My first guess was stone, but no, they seem to be glass. Have more of a hollow "ting" them, know what I mean. They are light though.
Anyone, is it enough to just put Czech or W. Germany in the description? I'm not sure how to describe them.
I would have said W. Germany on the first and last pair but think they are '50's. Since they are marked you know they are W. German. I've also seen pieces from Japan that are similar. The third pair might be W. German, too - or could be Czech. Late '50's early '60's. I have no idea on the green drop earrings with the face carved in them. I've never seen anything like them!

Originally posted by Linn
I would have said W. Germany on the first and last pair but think they are '50's. Since they are marked you know they are W. German. I've also seen pieces from Japan that are similar. The third pair might be W. German, too - or could be Czech. Late '50's early '60's. I have no idea on the green drop earrings with the face carved in them. I've never seen anything like them!

Thank you, Linn! Do the third pair look like crowns to you?
Originally posted by Metro Retro Vintage
Very pretty -- the first and last pair often come out of the former West Germany or out of Austria (sometimes they are marked, sometimes not) -- 60's.

Lovely beads on the second pair. The beads themselves are older and also Czech, but these are a marriage -- beads were added to contemporary chains and then added to clipbacks -- all from different eras.

The third pair are also Czech and appear to be in the same time period (60's to 70's), from the appearance of the 'weight' and style. But need to see the backs to confirm. Nice Peking glass stones.

On the second pair, I got out my super duper magnifier and now I see what you mean by a "marriage." Does that take away from value and in describing would using the term "marriage" be the proper way to describe? Thank you!

Nice lot!
Linn is right in that they could be either German or Czech (I saw Czech also) since there is so much overlap, especially during that time, when Bohemian factories manufactured glass stones for the 'world' (with the exception of Italy and Japan, which lampworked their own).

So when you list the German pair, you may want to include in your description that they are Czech glass (cabs), so that you get these collectors, especially when they keyword search.

The cameo style beads (the green ones) are same (Czech) as mentioned earlier. The molded glass is often made to look like carved Fiance, along with a paint 'residue' added for an antiquities look.

I've had many of these in different motifs, usually Egyptian and/or in the classical style such as your pair -- however, I don't have any examples in my collection to show you right now, and the last listings that I sold on ebay, are long expired.

I strongly advise however, that you mention that they are either crafted, upcycled or a marriage (which they are) -- since those chains and clipbacks are *not* original to those beads. Those beads are late 20's/30's, the chains are contemporary (within the last 20 years or so) and the clipbacks are likely to be 50's or so.

Lots of folks buy upcycled and 'vintage style', so they should do well.