Any Lace Experts Care to Take a Stab?

I've had a small collection of lace pieces that I've carried around for years. At one point I was going to frame them but never got around to it. Now, I'm feeling like I need to know more about them and I tend to get confused by the types of lace when I look through books and on line resources.

So, here are a couple of quick scans of one of the pieces. The first is a scanned photomerge of the entire piece and the second is a close up of the center. Hopefully I was able to size them right so that they are not too big.



Thanks for any insights you can give!
I was going to say Venetian point as well. I have cuffs and a stomacher from the 17th century that use the same techniques that was identified as Venetian point.
Thanks you guys. I should have mentioned that this piece is only about 8 to 10" long. I have about 10 or 12 pieces like this, each with different motif. I've never been able to figure out what they were for. For some reason that I can't remember now, I always get to Point de Venice when I find some anomaly that makes me rule it out. I'll have to look at my books again too.