Any pointers to good Military uniform sites?

Liz Turner

Registered Guest
Morning all

I've got a number of British military uniforms I need to identify - British Army, Navy and Air Force - what the different style of jackets are called for example. Some are 'working' uniforms and some look more like dress uniforms.

I should be able to identify the ranks but some have the fabric 'medals' on them (you see I don't even know if they're called medals or something else!)

Does anyone know of any good BRITISH military sources of info that they can point me to (short of going to the Imperial War Museum)? Or are there any experts on here who could help me? Grateful for any help.
eBay used to have some really good forums and perhaps some of them are still active. If I had a question about a military piece I would go to that forum and someone would have an answer or could point me in the right direction. Quick look - I can't even find the forums... can anyone help her find that forum? Or another that would be helpful?
We have a member, Rusty Spur Vintage, who sells a lot of military fashions. I don't know if he deals with British uniforms, or not, but he may have a suggestion for you, possibly. You should be able to reach him through his facebook page:
Thank you both - I'll have a rummage around ebay in case I can find a forum (I didn't know they existed) and investigate Rusty Spur too. Just feel I should describe them as more than 'British Army Jacket 1954' or 'British Navy officer's jacket' etc. And they've got all sorts of medal ribbon bars on too (I think that's a whole different area!).