Some of the places I shop at mark their clothing with codes in indelible ink. The managers swear these marks will come out in the wash but I know from experience they don't. A piece that has survived in incredible condition for 60 plus years is worthless after meeting these marker happy folks and it's driving me mad! I'm patiently trying to educate them, but it's a up hill battle and they are often not discrete in the placement. A lovely 50s two piece outfit that had a white bib across the front also had a huge handwritten "A" marked on it - not in the back but right smack in the middle in the front - hello???? It's not so bad when they mark it on the label, but when there is no label it's a free for all and anything see through becomes worthless.
Sorry, enough kvetching... Does anyone have a trick to get these memorable mark out?
Sorry, enough kvetching... Does anyone have a trick to get these memorable mark out?