Any tricks to remove indelible ink?

Some of the places I shop at mark their clothing with codes in indelible ink. The managers swear these marks will come out in the wash but I know from experience they don't. A piece that has survived in incredible condition for 60 plus years is worthless after meeting these marker happy folks and it's driving me mad! I'm patiently trying to educate them, but it's a up hill battle and they are often not discrete in the placement. A lovely 50s two piece outfit that had a white bib across the front also had a huge handwritten "A" marked on it - not in the back but right smack in the middle in the front - hello???? It's not so bad when they mark it on the label, but when there is no label it's a free for all and anything see through becomes worthless.

Sorry, enough kvetching... Does anyone have a trick to get these memorable mark out?
Can you get Lestoil where you live? It takes out ink and everything. It even takes oil base paint off of paint brushes!

I have put in straight on the most delicate of fabrics. Leave on for awhile and then wash out. It is made by Clorox, I believe.

The other thing I just picked up is "Awesome" and it sells for $1.00 at our local Dollar General store. It says to dilute but I use straight. Spray on, work into fabric, let sit for about 5 minutes and rinse.
I'm sure those will do the trick but Amodex ink and stain remover rocks. It's fairly pricy but I was completely amazed - I sound like one of those ads! - as it removed an enormous old (approx 80 years!) what I think was fountain pen ink from silk satin with no damage as one of those last resort attempts.

Worth remembering if you ever come across it cheap! :)
Hi Deb,
Aerosol hair spray works really really well for removing inks (not grease marker but real inks). Put a thick towel underneath the part of the fabric you'll be working on and spray at close range to saturate the ink. Rub it in with your fingernail, repeat, rinse (if necessary), pat dry and repeat until the ink disappears. You may have to repeat several times. It takes out the toughest inks and it's safe for most fabrics.
Grease marker comes out with dishwashing liquid.
Thanks for all the great advice everyone! Don't know why I waited so long to ask this question???

They should hire you Harriet - they'd make a killing.

They do it because many people rip the price tags off and try to get it cheaper at the cash. Each letter or series of letters represents a price; so if there is no tag, they know the price. A few weeks ago one store was putting out a bunch of ties and they had the plastic tag punctured right thru the front wide portion of each tie (they musta been on drugs...) - there went the Hermes.... with not one, but two gaping holes (I guess the gun misfired). Why they even put a price on the ties is a wonder as all the ties at this particular place are the exact same price.
they had the plastic tag punctured right thru the front wide portion of each tie


I got ties from a thrift a couple of months ago with the tightest-gripping staples securing the (.99 cent!) tags in place--I had to alligator wrestle them to keep them from getting damaged...

Then just this weekend I was at a great vintage store in OH where the policy was "if it doesn't have a price tag, it doesn't get sold". Just my luck, half the things I took a shine to were missing the tags! I was starting to feel very sheepish and wondering if they suspected me of being a tag-ripper, but fortunately the owner was there, and he knew pretty much what prices he wanted for things off the top of his head, so I didn't walk away empty handed after all!

Harriet--you sound like a spot cleaning guru. I'm sure I would have ended up with a water ring...
Oh, Carrie, I wanted to ask you how your trip to Columbus went. So you got some nice things?? I'd love to hear what you think about the stores. I might take a trip up there sometime if you think it's worthwhile.

Unfortunately, no, Linda. I bought and tried the Lestoil - soaked and washed twice then threw in the towel (or is that dress). Bought another dress while in New Brunswick (it seems the indelible ink craze is Canada wide :mad) this last week and will try and see if it works. If not, I may be asking you to buy some Awesome and ship it here for me as I haven't seen any in my neck of the woods ;)