Anybody have information on this Designer from Paris?


Registered Guest
The name sounded so familiar...the shirt is way cool and looks hardly or never worn...label looks old...any help appreciated..I searched Ebay and Google with no I came to the experts! Thanks Janice..the tag reads Robert Vartin Paris 3 (the buttons indicate male shirt)

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No idea, but there are going to be a whole lot of mods out there trampling over each other for that shirt! Verrrrrry The Who and I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet - who made the one in the cabinet pictured below:


(that's my frock on the right!)

Funny that it was made in France :lol:
Wow..that shirt is very similiar to mine...mine has more blue....any great keywords to call out the Mods (besides the obvious...LOL?)

The name sounds so great. When I read the label I was like "Oh, A Robert Vartin!" then I get home and find nothing on it...OR crossing fingers and toes...maybe it is SOOOOO rare nobody has it!!! I pray...I need a big one to get me going.
Not sure if The Who would be deemed keyword spamming? I'm a bit behind on eBay's policy these days. I wouldn't go overboard with the keywords, 'mod' and 'union jack' ought to do you right. Definitely put original 1960s in the title, to separate from the modern remakes (I'm assuming it feels original to you? Looks it to me).
I had no success searching for "Robert Vartin" in the newspaper databases to which I have access, but when I searched for "Vartin" and "Paris" I found this July 1968 article that references someone who seems suspiciously like your designer -- with a mistyped first name?

"A $16.50 shirt that was made in France and turns the wearer into a walking American flag has been withdrawn from a Bridgehampton, N.Y., boutique at the request of police.
"We're not upset," said Mrs. Francis K. Carpenter, co-owner of The Stalls, which is in a former barn. "We only had one shirt left, and we've decided to send it to Gypsy Rose Lee."
The offending garment is a long-sleeved cotton affair with red and white stripes and a field of stars on a blue patch over the left breast pocket. It was designed by Roger Vartin of Paris.
That label looks VERY 60's to me.

In the 80's, very FEW labels were sewn on the bottom, and not on the top.

Plus, the font looks a LOT older than 80's.

That's just from what I have seen, in my humble opinion.



Edited to add: On second look, maybe the label is sewn at the top? To me, that would make it early 60's. In the 80's they really didn't sew down the label all around, unless it was couture, meaning lined and so forth.

Does that make sense?

Maybe I should just wander off!


I think that's quite a mod collar though. And any punk-era union jack shirt would have been ripped and graffitied all over, a la Vivienne and Malcolm!
It is definetly an older label sewn down each side completely..the buttons holes are sewn around...not a product of the 80's... Thanks for all the help and suggestions!

It is definitely mid to late 60s. Not an 80's label, I'm sure....

And I don't recognize the label itself but I am positive I have heard the name Robert Vartin. I grew up in the 60s & 70s, a child of the mod & hippie eras, so it could be I just heard the name in passing or read it in one of the teeny bopper fashion or rock magazines.

Wonderful find!
I, too, cannot find anything on Robert Vartin but I have the infamous American Flag shirt here. This is the shirt that Jerry Rubin wore when he was arrested in October 1968 for wearing a shirt that resembled the American Flag. S0 the Robert Vartin label is definitely 60s. The shirt was my husband's and he wore it in the early 70s.