Anybody recognize these pants?


Registered Guest
A friend gave me a stash of 1980s clothes and all had fabulous labels except this one. The stash included Miyake, Rykiel and Gaultier so I'm assuming these high waisted, pleated, tab legged (?) pants were also by a known designer. Anybody recognize them? I haven't been on your fabulous forums for a few years but I check your designer label resource all the time. Thanks, Janice
Z Cavaricci did a lot of roll down (waist), roll up and wrap (ankle) pants in the 80s ~ but they were not near as high end as Rykiel, Miyake or Gaultier

we carried them at Bebe's in white and black denim ~ i don't recall blue denim, but maybe?? ...but we did sell tons and tons of black and whites, mostly to the poppers and hip hop crowds...

just saying, first impression reminds me of Z Cav~
Z Cavaricci did a lot of roll down (waist), roll up and wrap (ankle) pants in the 80s ~ but they were not near as high end as Rykiel, Miyake or Gaultier

we carried them at Bebe's in white and black denim ~ i don't recall blue denim, but maybe?? ...but we did sell tons and tons of black and whites, mostly to the poppers and hip hop crowds...

just saying, first impression reminds me of Z Cav~

Many thanks for taking the time. These are off white and heavy cotton. They were bought for Maxfield's here in Los Angeles. I looked at some Z Cav and there are similarities but they're not quite the same. I really appreciate your response.
