Anyone Know Anything about Bell Cigar Company, Iowa?


VFG Member
VFG Past President
I picked these up last weekend and I think they are neat. Can't find very much about the Bell Cigar Company, though. I did find that most Cigar stores had gambling rooms behind them. Anyway, this Bell Cigar Company was in Grand Rapids, Iowa, and must have been in the 1910's. Have about 10 to 15 lined tablet pages and about the same amount in those short ledger sheets.

Any idea of how to promote?




On ebay? I think there is a tobacco collector's category, maybe there?

Its Cedar Rapids, though, not Grand! I read that and though, huh? I dont know of a Grand Rapids here!! Hahahaha

A lot of the ephemera I have from Jean's estate is from CR, department store stuff, receipts, stuff from her Dad's coal company, college stuff from Coe College (I even have her term papers from the 20s!)
