Anyone know anything about dating copper jewelry?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I have searched all over for info on dating copper jewelry but can't find a thing.

does anyone know what to look for?

this has a bit of a patina, but i sometimes like the look of "experienced" copper better than brand new looking.



Oh, and lacking such info, does anyone have a guess at the age of this one. most of the things in this estate are 60s, though there is a 20s-1982ish range.

I always associate copper jewellery with the late 1950s -- it fits in with that Tiki/Mexican/ethno patio look... but I imagine it was around for longer than that. I have seen a lot of brass jewellery from the 1940s, but not later... obivoulsy I am not a jewellery person as that is about all I know on copper jewellery.
i was leaning toward just putting 'midcentury" and "vintage" in there...until i had anything more definitive.

(and copper jewelry has been made since people discovered copper back before recorded history i believe so it doesn't make matters easier..and people still making it today.) not as easy to date as plastics i am afraid!
Is that a C clasp or a locking clasp? If it doesn't have the little ring that keeps it in place it is probably older. Although on occasion an artisan may have made one with a C clasp later... A C clasp could identify it as Arts & Crafts. If it's a locking clasp then 50s would seem right.

Do not polish it if you are going to auction it. Some people are fanatics about their patinas...
you mean the one that swivels around to lock it? Yeah, its definitely not arts and crafts...more like 50sish.

Oh, I wouldn't ever polish it... and i am putting it in mall store at least for now.