Anyone know Japanese Scarf?


Registered Guest
I thought this was a designer but think the word just means scarf in Japanese.
Any help with name or language greatly appreciated on this vintage scarf.


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Kurume is a place name - a Japanese city.

Kurume Kasuri is a type of fabric, that originally came from Kurume city. It's not a type of scarf, though scarves could be made out of it.

Place names often become surnames, and that is clearly a signature, so I think it will be the name of a designer. I couldn't find any information on Y Kurume though.
Thank you. Well, back to square one. I have thought it was a designer for years.
I knew it was a city also but wonder if it is standard to be named after a city?
I thought it was also screen printed but not sure.
There used to be a sweet Japanese lady on TFL but I am not on there anymore.
Maybe someone that can read the symbol will see this.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer. I greatly appreciate it.
Surnames were often originally derived from places of origin. Think of the surnames: Rochester, York, Washington - these are all surnames, derived from city names. I'm just guessing, but I imagine it's the same in Japan.