Anyone know VALI? And is this fabric osnaburg?

Late 60s dress by Vali - cannot find any info on Vali, but have come across the label before. Anyone here know anything about them?

The closest sample in my cotton book to this fabric is osnaburg. The yarns are heavier on this fabric and more slubbing (or knots) - is there a name for this fabric? Reminds me of jute, just not as rough.



I have a vintage gold bracelet by VALI but was never able to get information about VALI.. the bracelet is of very high quality though ...let me know if you find anything!!
Perfect dress for a Garden Hoe, Karen!

If I find any info, I will pass on the info. Here's a pic of the label - they sewed the label in with the "I" missing, but I know there's an I at the end because I have had this label before.
