Anyone on R&K Originals?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Does anyone know when R&K Originals stopped producing things?

label resource info is scant, and I have not been able to find any other info anywhere so far, and have been looking since i got an R&K Knits last year. It may be one of those mysteries...but i have a hard time believing that there is no one out there who knows...

I have a dress now that I know is later - i just don't know when they stopped? (or even started?)

I know not, apart from 'quite recently'!! I know recent stuff by them turns up unremarked in the regular clothing category, but I'm not sure what age it usually is...

What we need are online legal documents recording liquidation proceedings or union disputes, morbidly enough.


I love their stuff, particularly the 'Personally Yours' label era.

i really don't know! I searched R&K and there is an art gallery called R&K Originals out there somewhere totally unrelated. You would think if they were still around there would be something about them.
I've found one brief reference to them being acquired by Jonathan Logan, so it may be that they haven't formally 'ended', but their factory's used for other purposes/sold off and the name is less prominent. Difficult to tell...
Well, at least that is something. That tidbit could lead to some information at the Jonathan Logan company...

Ok guys... Not to Scare anyone with bad memories of more recent decades, but here is the most recent R & K Originals I have ever seen from an estate lot. A far cry from the R&K knits sweater dress sets.

It is probably from that 80s/90s cusp period, I remember red white and blue from maybe it was 1993, or spring 94 at the latest, but it could be earlier into the 80s. Shoulder pads were pretty much dying out and I don't think they really happen after 94. In fact they really shrunk, so maybe late 80s is more like it.... maybe..

(and i know the hat is wrong for it...)

<img src="" width=288 height=684>
You know... I have no idea really about the beginning and end times, but I've had a sneaking suspicion for a while that the <I>'Personally Yours'</i> label (which does turn up in late 40s dresses, the earliest dates of which I'm aware) actually crosses over into the early 50s.

I've got some white versions of that label, as well as the yellow one that's on the resource, so I should put them up here. At some point I'll photograph the dresses for dating. I've generally thought of them as interesting cuspers, but looking at a nice dress on Ebay this morning, I'm thinking the R&K 'cusp' might go up to 1953/54...

I do like their dresses - they always have nice details and an elegant shape.

That 80s-90s one looks very striking the way you've presented it, but I do think twice about buying later ones...

I'm thinking the R&K 'cusp' might go up to 1953/54...

You are probably right. R&K had some classic lines in their clothing, and some sweater dress sets, for example, don't really scream a particular year like some makers, rather more like a 5 year period or so or a bit loose. I think as was stated before that they were very well made, but still affordable. I think the "changing more slowly and not radically" is probably what they were about at least early on for the most part.

The label resource info is sketchy, so maybe we can add some additional observations as they come in.

I hesitate on newer things too, but it came along with some fantastic older things in an estate lot (and I wanted those older things). It is pristine, so I am going to try and offer it for sale versus consigning it or donating it/lotting it at this point. Someone may think it for spring with a pair of spectators.

I have a dress with the <I>Personally yours</i> label listed right now ~ same yellowish label that is in the resource.


I didn't put "R&K" in the title because it didn't seem like a great search term (through closed listings). Think I should add it?
I think some people (ie me) search it, but I doubt it's a big draw.
But those who have their clothes are aware of what good quality they can expect, so that makes it worth making it prominent in the listing.

Lovely dress, especially the rhinestone buttons? - looks possibly about the same length as mine with that label. The yellow 'Personally Yours' is slightly different, laid side to side, to the creamy white one, so I think there's a date difference there.

I should photograph my three, then we can have a proper look at the styles - I may well have got the dating of mine wrong initially.

I love that Christine!!

And BTW...i think i have remembered the perfect niche for my dress if i hurry up and get it posted today....Kentucky Derby. that dress would be perfect for that with a pair of spectators and a big wild hat, I think! They would have to buy it quick though as it is coming up quick.
