Appliqued circle skirt

carla rey

VFG Member
Hi all!

I have this great dachshund appliqued circle skirt and my question is about the dating of it. It has all the hallmarks of being 50s but is really short!! Is this for a child or made as a costume from a vintage pattern?

Cotton corduroy, teeny metal zipper marked CC, pinked seams, hem tape finished hem. Nicely home sewn.

The length is 20 inches, as you can see on my 5'3" model its a mini!!

Thank you in advance!
SkirtWeinerCircle-8916_RT.jpgSkirtWeinerCircle-8911_RT.jpg SkirtWeinerCircle-8922_RT.jpgLabelsandDetails-9073_RT.jpg 2016-07-24 11.28.58.jpg 2016-07-24 11.29.07.jpg 2016-07-24 11.29.15.jpg 2016-07-24 11.29.31.jpg
3 possibilities strike me;
a) it's from the 70's - colourway, length, retro style etc. (the zipper pull does feel seem as early as I normally see for a 50s/60s metal zip)
b) It was made for a child - what is the waist size? I have a 50s period pattern for a child's poodle skirt so I can see if it falls in that range.
c) it was cut down from original 50's length in the 60's/70's, although I hesitate on this because the hem treatment looks right for 50's as does the applique position for the original design, it could have been longer but smaller - having been made larger at the waist which I do think is possible, as this length does not seem to work for the sweep of the skirt, nor does it look right around the hips to me. This might be the case if it were a child's though as their waist/hip ratio would be smaller. To check you can look at the thread and sewing used to attach the waistband and compare it to the side seams which *should* remain unaltered even if both hem and waist have been tampered with.

perfect for going to see The Secret Life of Pets at the cinema though :P
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