Are there any vintage clothing reference books that you think are must have?


Registered Guest
I went to my local bookstore today and decided to pick up a book on vintage clothing. Well, they had nothing! I have a birthday coming up and my husband has been asking what I would like so I thought maybe some good vintage clothing books. I have Jonathan's shoe books on my wishlist. But am wondering what would you recommend I put on. Are there any books you find yourself referencing? I love the Clothing from the Sears Catalogue books, but at nearly $25 a pop it would cost me a lot to get the whole series. Are there any books like those that you have?

This reply may be a little late for your birthday but The Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute - Fashion - A History from the 18th to the 20th Century a Taschen book. It's brilliant, with amazing close up photographs and description of each item including the fabrics used. If you don't already have it I would definitely recommend.