Are these Ballerina style or just flats/loafers?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I know I am cheating...not vintage...but could these be called ballerina style or does the toe thingy (which i will find out what it is really called i am sure at the workshop...) come up to high and are these really just loafers or flats?

I thought these were perfect to wear for the holidays and perfect to have available at the same time as the things that will be listed for the november theme.

great with those jeans/blazers/ and brooches or to dance the night away. (nice large size too! - a 10~)

those aren't white patches...just extreme sparkle.

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Will need Jonathan to confirm, but I believe the toe 'thingie' is called the

I too would go with ballerinas....very sparkly ones!

I have been looking for a pair of size 9 ballerinas for my trip next week and couldn't find any that I wanted in a price range that I wanted either. These are hot right now and I also tried looking under ballet and found lots more were using the word ballet. So I would try to use both words if you can.

Whats hot now is to wear them with a fancy pair of shoe clips!! Found some great ones but not the shoes.
Thanks guys!!

These are the first pair of shoes that i have had to say "darn i wish they were smaller!" Its always the other way around for me and my clydesdale feet!

It reminds me of my ballet instructor who always said "The bigger the feet, the better the ballerina!" (more surface area to balance on). My size 8 feet were huge compared to the gals with the size 5's in my classes. I always thought she was just trying to make me feel better, but scientifically i guess she had something there.

oh the shoe thingie...i think i will be wearing the dunce cap in Jonathan's class LOL!!!