Are these lucite bangles?


Registered Guest
hi - I'm not really sue how to tell what these bangles are made of. I am good at identifying bakelite but nothing else.
The green and the grey seem like they might be moon glow because of the way they look in the light - it's kind of hard to capture n pics but I have tried.
I am wondering of the other is just a clear lucite.
I have a lot of cheapo bangles but these just seem to be all of a higher weight and quality.

Any info or thoughts would be great =) THANKS





Thanks =)

I thought the green one might be bakelite which is why I got into bakelite in the first place ;) I've had it for awhile and then I saw a bakelite bracelet similar on the net and I checked it out -- this one isn;t bakelite but it did get me interetsed in looking everywhere for bakelite ;)

I ran it under hot water today and it does have some sort of smell -- not sure of what -- a kind of burnt plastic smell - so maybe it's not lucite but a more modern plastic? It's heavy and smooth which I often don't find in newer pieces but it doesn't have 'no smell' like the lucite I usually see.