Article about Tattoos


VFG Member
There's a fun article HERE in today's Washington Post about tattooing becoming mainstream. I am from the "only gypsies pierce their ears" generation, so I'm not keen about a lot of these tattoos. Sometimes I feel fine fashion is thrown off by the added skin adornment.

Ouch - just read the bit about the 21 year old girl having a skull inked into her left arm pit.
I read an article a while back about when they were filming Woodstock and were hiring extras - the only stipulation the filmakers had for the 18 - 25 year old extras they were hiring was that they not have tattoos or too much muscular definition. They actually had real problems finding enough extras!
I don't know why but I have always loved tatoos. Even as a kid (I'm 55 so that was a long time ago)

I remember seeing my first tatoo on a girl when I was about 10 years old. We were at a carnival and one of the ride operators had his girfriend helping him. I liked her...she was a gum snapping, bottle blonde who called me honey AND I noticed, she had a pretty rose tatoo on her ankle. I was fascinated. I had always liked the tatoos I saw on guys...anchors and hearts and pretty scroll-y words but I never knew a girl could have one too!

As soon as I got off the ride I ran to tell my mom that I wanted a rose tatoo. That went over well.....(not) Anyway ever since then I have been a great admirer of tatoos but ironically I have never gotten one. I could never decide on an image I wanted to have permanently etched on my skin. So, instead I just admire those of others....

It's funny you posted this. I was just considering getting my first one. My husband has two and has just found the art for his third, so we're going to together in a couple months. I'm excited as I've wanted one for a while, but also the hypochondriac in me is a bit nervous about potential for infection and such. I'm going with black ink only just to be safe.