Artist/Rebel/Dandy: Men of Fashion at the RISD Museum in Providence, RI


VFG Member
If you're able to get to it, I highly recommend this exhibition (which runs through mid-August):

It's rich in both eye candy (from the 1700s through contemporary) and information as it tracks the evolution of the man of style. Images range from late 18th and early 19th century prints caricaturing dandies to 20th century and newer photographs of famously elegant and/or outrageously attired gents.

Among the notable sights: A white silk plush top hat from the mid 1800s; Andy Warhol's silver wig; a tartan suit worn by King George in the 1890s and altered for the Duke of Windsor in the 1950s; Fred Astaire's Top Hat ensemble; Sebastian Horsly's red velvet suit; a slew of beautifully patterned shirts from 1900; Motorumi "Poggy" Kogi's suit made of "Hello Kitty" Liberty of London fabric; and a beautiful slate-and-white striped 1880s seersucker suit.

If you can't make the trip (or as a preview even if you can), scroll down to the bottom of the page linked to above for pics of/info on some of the items in the exhibit.