Atrima + Maryon labels


Registered Guest
So many questions about this gorgeous dress. It has a snap on/off sash and loop in front. After many minutes spent staring followed by failed attempts to style it, I believe I've discovered it should be formed into a bow by pulling the sash through the center loop. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I would also love any information on the store and maker labels, maryon and Atrima. I've searched high and low and can't find a thing. Oh, and the age ... I was certain the dress was 40's but now I'm not sure. Urg!! and THANK YOU so much for taking a peek and for any information you are willing to pass along.


Hi Carrie! The fabric feels like cotton. But I am TERRIBLE at fabric identification. I had that sash tied every which way. It's a wonder I didn't accidently choke my model when I tried to wrap it around her neck =}
Those labels look very 80s or newer....reminds me of the 80s stuff from India. The textile looks it too. Interesting that it has that side zip and petersham. Its like someone designed it and constructed it in a 40s style but used a modern fabric and label! Interesting!

The Atrima label is woven, but it's hard to tell with the Maryon label. Is that one printed? I agree that the labels are modern/import looking but the dress has definite vintage construction elements.

By the way, I have admired your auctions for quite some time. It's nice to see you here!
Googled "atrima dress" and found 2 things from the 50s (no pics), so its a label found at least as early as '51. Maryon gets nothing. However, I wonder if this was a dress from a vintage boutique and the Maryon label (which looks like more of a paper label?) was the boutique name and added later?
The font on the Maryon label does look fairly recent.

Not sure if it's the same but found this.

"When I ask Maryon designer Celeste Treloar what prompted her to start her label, her answer is sweetly modest – “Initially it was about making this one printed t-shirt, as an experiment. It kind of mushroomed from there.” Now into its second season, the label has grown from that one t-shirt to an entire range of dresses, skirts and tees adorned with quirky prints and manufactured from quality Japanese cotton."

More in the article here
Thanks, everyone!! What a lovely and helpful board.

The maryon label is printed and the one stumping me. The construction, fabric, and Atrima size 12 label all look 40s/50s but that darn maryon label! I did have another vintage dress from a store in London that sews their boutique label inside vintage. It's quite possible this is a similar situation.
I would say that's a definite indication that it's vintage before sizing changed. It is probably not related to the current Melbourne label, and is '40's/'50's as you have been thinking all along.
