Babylon Mall Question


I sold vintage clothing on Ebay for awhile and I found it okay, but I was wondering about Babylon Mall...
Anyone experienced much success on Babylon Mall? As compared to Ebay?

Any info would be much appreciated :wub:
I'm personally not familiar with Babylon, but we would highly recommend checking into Ruby Lane. we love it, and find that our customers typically spend more at our "shop" there then we ever received consistantly at ol' ebay.

there are all kinds of "get to know Ruby Lane" pages, its very user friendly, but they are known for being particular (which i happen to appreciate!).

here's a link to their new seller's introductory page

or just click on my links below to get to either of my shops, and then go to the main page and look around. There is a large SELL link at the top of each page, actually! have fun! good luck! and if you want to use me as a referral, feel free to U2U me or post here.
I've been at Babylon Mall for years, and I've had a lot of luck there. But, I also have a website that links directly to my sales pages, and I have a lot of repeat customers. I really do not think my experience there is normal, but as I said, I've made it work for me.
I think it may work better if you have merchandise that complements or is in line with what is already there so you are appealing to a common customer.

I really don't think it matters where you go.
I'm on Main Street Vintage and have done really well there. The owners are great and responsive, I find it easy to use, and the search engine on the pattern mall is awesome.

Every place you can list has it's draw backs.
Some seem expensive or the search is annoying or new, ect.
I was on Babylon Mall for a bit, but did not sell anything...which I think is my fault not the site since I did nothing to promote it and decided I just could not list on 3 sites (Main Street Vintage, ebay, and BM) so I had to let BM go.
No matter where you go it requires that you have to be ready to work at promoting yourself to generate traffic.