Bachelor Mother - One of my all-time favorite movies!


I don't know how many of you have seen the 1939 movie, Bachelor Mother, starring Ginger Rogers & David Niven. It is one of my all-time favorites. Here is a synopsis:

A young unmarried woman stops to take a peek at a little bundle of joy abandoned on the steps of an orphanage. This innocent act of curiosity lands her in hot water when the home's administrators conclude that she's the baby's true mom. In no time at all, she's crazy about the charming infant... and discovering other forms of love, too.

It is showing on Turner Classic Movies, Thursday May 8th at 7:30 AM. Put it on your calendars!!

One of my favorite scenes is when David Nivens character who owns the department store where Ginger Rogers character works, gets stood up for New Years Eve. He asks her to go with him and she has nothing suitable to wear. He calls the dept store and two security guards go on a shopping spree picking out the dress, the stockings, the shoes and then a gorgeous full length fur. You see the coat on a mannequin and then it fades into a scene with Ginger in it!

Click Here for the trailer.
It is a cute movie - it's been awhile since I've seen it. Has anyone here seen the mid 50s remake, Bundle of Joy? Starred Debbie Reynolds, and (I think) Eddie Fisher. I guess it was made when they were still a golden couple pre the "Elizabeth Taylor is a homewrecker" scandal.