beautiful fashion-related painting

This came across my FB Newsfeed from the Museum at FIT, and made me gasp out loud. Isn't it beautiful?!

"The Fitting" (Bei der Anprobe) by Viktor Shramm, 1900.

The way the artist has captured the changeant taffeta is remarkable, but its funny how presumably he (the artist) has no idea what a fitting is. There is absolutely no reason to adjust the seams of a full skirt while the dress is being worn - the fitting would be only about the bodice seams.
Beautiful painting - never heard of this painter before! The colors and the way the changeant are painted are amazing.
That's one thing that always amazes me about old paintings, especially portraits - not only how they brought the sitter "alive" but also how they depicted jewelry and fabrics, sometimes up to a point that you think you could actually touch it and it would feel like velvet or whatever. The exhibition on fashion and impressionism had some paintings that showed this to great effect.

That's so beautiful! Incredible depiction of fabric as Jonathan says.

The fashions aren't 1900 though are they? So the painter was looking back to an earlier era. What period are the clothes, does anyone have an idea?
You're right, Ruth - they look to be of the 1850s or '60s, but a simplified "modern" Edwardian version, a bit like how we might see 1960s clothes - through a contemporary eye and modified slightly, so not entirely authentic.

Of course when I say "we" I probably mean those who don't know as much about real '60s clothes as vintage fashion afficianados do!
Yes - and I think that Jonathan has made an interesting point about the fitting to the skirt - perhaps there is a class element, in that it's more "romantic" for the seamstress (as a servant) to be on the floor whilst her mistress is standing above her.

As you know, historical paintings are generally rife with symbolism so that every element is carefully considered and chosen.