Before & After Pics of My Antique Booth

I've had this space for awhile but keep forgetting to post pics. I started out with just half of the shelves so I couldn't do much. Then the other dealer moved to a bigger booth so I got the whole thing. Here is a photo before the transformation:


Here is the after!


I was able to take out one section of glass shelves and put in a clothing rack. It fit like it was made to go there! I also added a top to the shelving unit and am now able to put lots of stuff on top. The graphic are those removeable wall paper stickies. I am very happy with the way it turned out!
Looks great, Carrie!!!! But oh, those lamps... You've teased us with them, only to tell us they're sold. :damnit: You'd have had yourself a bidding war on those if you'd posted them here for sale!!!!!!

How long have you had your booth, and are sales overall steady? We have a chance to rent just a display case at the biggest, most popular antique co-op here in the area, and are debating it. We could only place jewelry, gloves, bags, maybe a few pairs of shoes, and my husband's never-ending variety of small collectibles--no clothing--but we thought it might be a way to get our feet wet. I have SO much jewelry I'll never get it all listed by shooting and writing up all of it..... If that went well, we might do a booth, if the cost was reasonable. enough.
Carrie ~

When I had a mall space myself and the other dealers sold lots of vintage cardigans (especially cashmere), blouses and coats as versus dresses ~

I talked about it with the other dealers who sold clothes and we figured since it was a general antiques mall that customers weren't really in there looking for clothes, but would pick up a cardigan or coat if it fit! This was a shop with around 50 dealers on a downtown street with lots of foot traffic.

People would go wild for those lamps here in California - they would have sold in about a minute.

~ Debbie
The lamps really were cool. I ended up selling them on Ruby Lane! I've actually had my booth for just under a year. It was really cool how it happened. I had shared an antique booth with my Dad for a couple of years (he'd had it forever and let me have some things in it, too.) When he passed away 3 years ago, I just didn't have the heart to continue doing it. Two years later I bought a piece of furniture at Goodwill that I decided to sell rather than keep. I took it to the antique mall and they sold it on consignment for me. Later the manager said, "If you ever have any more good finds, bring them in." I told her I had enough stuff to fill a booth! She mentioned that shelves were coming open and I jumped on the chance!

This mall is open 7 days a week, that is the key I think. They are very well managed and have an excellent staff. I pay only $90 per month for my shelf which is awesome! By putting a top on it and adding the clothes rack I've really maximized the space. My sales average around $300 a month. Last month was $450. Not bad for a small space!
Antique Mall spaces are very pricey here in Sacramento as well ~ I checked into a few places last year and they wanted 300.00 plus 10 % commission. I think they also required dealers to work there a day or two a month or pay more rent.

I couldn't see it being financially feasible but I could be wrong on that.

I used to pay less than half that in the San Francisco Bay Area and had brisk sales.

Carrie ~ another thing that sold really well in my booth was handbags, not shoes, but handbags flew out the door. Also the sweaters didn't have to be very old as long as they were cashmere OR vintage style. I sold every handbag and sweater I ever put in there ~ also the cashmere below the knee dress coats were hot sellers.

~ Debbie