biba price label?


VFG Member
I bought these sparkly purple leggings last week, which have the gold biba label in the resource, and an old price sticker on the reverse.
It's the pricing that's confusing me.. they start off a lot more expensive than I would expect for some 70s leggings/footless tights.

Here's the old store sticker on the reverse of the label. They're unworn, hence it still being there I suppose!


Any ideas? Sorry my front label pic was too blurry but it is the older one.

TIA :)
That care label looks modern to me. When were care symbols introduced? I looked online and couldn't find that piece of info. I had no idea they were so old!

I just wondered if someone else has written the price on? Or if they are 80s?
I'll redo the right side of the label shot later. when would you expect to see sparkly purple leggings though?

I think the care labels were introduced in the 70s, can't remember the date but will go check if I can now...
From the VFG quick tips when I googled (always under your nose, you see)!

"Garment Care labels began in 1971 in the USA. The current labels were introduced in 1983..

... International care symbols were developed 1971"
Being stuck on the back like that, I can only imagine it either got transferred there by accident in store or by the original owner. I can't think what, in store, would have cost that much (since Biba are supposedly renowned for cheapness) but I guess there must have been something!! I'd say it was probably close to their closing, mid 70s.

I have no legs on my manni! I need a stocking display leg really, must buy one.. I'll take a picture later if I can.

The label being transferred makes sense Liz - I had assumed they must be 70s because.. well, they're purple and glittery! I didn't think that could be the price in the 70s but didn't think about the sticker being from something else..

Sadly, the pricing thing is drilled into me as years ago when asking my Mum if she had bought anything from Biba, or maybe Radley she replied "[insert look of complete dismissal on face] no, it was all very cheap and I didn't think it would last". My Mum would (still does) buy one very well made item a year and then wear it forever.

I sometimes think we are not actually related... :D

Thanks for the help!