Big Book of Buttons on eBay


Registered Guest
Hello everyone! I'm not sure if this is an appropriate post but for anyone out there who has always wondered about any of the buttons they've come across or even admired on their vintage clothing I have a copy of the definitive guide for button collectors on eBay. It's titled "The Big Book of Buttons" and it's over 800 pages long, chock full of photos (both B&W and color) and it's quite informative. It is out of print and a collectible book in its own right. Oh, and it has pricing guidelines, too!

Here are a few photos from the book:




And the link:

Big Book of Buttons

Thanks for checking it out!

that would be a great addition to my library..but not at the price, though it would be worth it, l couldnt justify it....thanks for sharing this...
Woo hooo!
Looks like that book really IS collectible!

Great job! That looks like a fantastic reference!
LOL...I know what you mean about the cost but, believe me, this is still a bargain! I just checked and the least expensive it is listed on there (first edition) is $675.00!!!

I bought mine years ago @ 125.00 and thought I was really splurging for my library. This is an awesome book...... and I use it endlessly it remains in the estate will!! haha. Great book for understanding materials - and will apply to jewelry knowledge as well for that part.

Good luck!
I actually had 3 copies and I believe that I spent about $725.00 total for all 3. One of them recently "disappeared" from my house along with my new digital camera. Lo and behold, the exact same brand and model of digital camera ended up at a young cousin's (about 12 or 13 years old) house! She claimed that she found it at the lost and found at her school. (Yeah, right....) I had introduced her into button collecting a few years ago and she was always poring through my most used copy of the BBB (the one I spent the most on). I had taken a break from buttons for several months and just recently I realized that it, too, was missing!! That explains why she hasn't been stopping in to see me lately!!!

I do agree that this is an important book to add to your collection. There is SO much information in it that carries over to jewelry and dress trims. Not to mention that just merely looking through it will cause hours to slip by!

If you can stretch your budget to add a copy to your library I would highly recommend it. You can date your clothing based on the buttons, you know!!!

Hey everyone!

This auction ended tonight and the book went for $311!!! Much more than I had hoped! Now I can get my roof fixed before winter! LOL
