Black Friday? Holiday Shopping? Think of the VFG Amazon Shop!


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Yes, it is THAT time of year again... So, why not have a look at the offerings at our VFG Amazon Shop?
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We have all the essentials for vintage fashion fans from a large selection of books on anything fashion to handy things for cleaning and caring for your treasures to shop supplies. But not just that, you'll also find gift ideas, vintage-themed fiction and, and and... So, come and have a look!

As an Amazon Affiliate, your purchase from our shop earns the VFG a small percentage, at no extra cost to you.
How did I miss seeing you post this?!

Karin has curated an amazing collection for the VFG on Amazon! It's really fun to browse and if you are anything like me, you'll want EVERYTHING.

Package opening
Thank you, Maggie! I regularly have to stop myself from buying when I'm working on adding new stuff to the shop.

And because I am such a nerd myself :USING:, I have also created a category called "Tangential but interesting" which has looooots of interesting books that are not directly about fashion, but which I think will appeal to anyone interested in fashion-adjacent, socio-cultural themes etc.