Black velvet coat with fur trim - era?


Registered Guest
Hello :)

Picked up this velvet jacket the other day. I'm really not sure the era though, but it seems rather old. The inside is satin and under the fur cuffs is silk that is starting to break down a bit. I'm not sure what kind of fur that is, either. There is a braiding detail along the front - sort of hard to see clearly. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks!
Hmm, interesting. More photos, especially close ups will help.

In the meantime, I think you may have a '20s opera coat that has been shortened (photos of the hem will help) and the cuffs may be a faux fur that has been added on (again, close ups will help). The cuffs confuse me: have you tried putting the jacket on? I'm wondering if the sleeves are long enough without them, and so you would wear them turned back, or if the sleeves are short they would be worn down like this.

Really early 30s is what went through my mind. I have seen jackets from then too, rather than coats, especially for summer where the jacket is more for modesty, over a low cut evening gown, rather than warmth.