"Blighty" Member opinions?


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\"Blighty\" Member opinions?

Or anyone else for that matter...

A friend of mine is going to take her family to London for a week for Spring Break.

In the states here, she is an inveterate yard sale fanatic, and besides doing the 'usual' touristy type stuff, wants to do some 'shopping' there.

It will pretty much be for resale on ebay, so I understand if you are reluctant to share your 'secret' spots, but I was wondering if you have any 'must' places to visit?

She's not exactly into vintage clothing, but she's as eclectic as I am when it comes to her purchases!

I am so excited for her, it sounds like so much fun, and I would love to make a trip like that!

They are arriving on a Saturday, leaving on the following, and is definitely interested in checking out 'boot sales'. Are there any nearby London that would be the best for her to go to?

I would be so in trouble were it me...I overpack to travel anyway...and would have a tough time bringing back all that I purchased!!!

I wonder if you CAN buy for resale...money is not in our favor and 'stuff' is far more plentiful here...
When I went to London last about 8 years ago, I made a point of looking for vintage clothing--at markets such as Portobello, shops, and second-hand stores. I saw some truly spectacular items for high prices in the shops...not much in my price range. The markets were fun, but I didn't find much that I could buy for resale.

I don't know how things are now, but even the thrift-style stores (Oxfam comes to mind) seemed costly as compared to the US. I didn't find a car boot sale, so I can't say how that might go. I know I came away with the impression that Victorian and Edwardian clothing, for the collector, couldn't be better found anywhere. The 60s and 70s we all know to have been very strong in the UK, but I didn't see much. The world wars and post WWII were very, very hard on the economy of Britain, and clothing suffered. Globalization has brought more vintage from the 40s and 50s to the UK, but it wasn't a particularly strong time there.

Of course, if your friend is eclectic in her sensibilities, she may find awesome things that perfectly suit her and her wallet, but that was my experience as a vintage buyer for resale.
Portobello market, and Camden, are great, but not priced for the reseller, they are tourist spots to some extent, certainly Londoners buy there, but not when you are looking for a major bargain. There is a big trendy vintage scene in London, and the dedicated vintage shops are also mostly too pricey to think about resale. There are vintage fairs, but I've not been to one - I don't know how their pricing is, but presumably less than the shops.

Oxfam is notoriously pricey, everyone grumbles about it. A lot of charity shops are getting very canny about vintage and price accordingly. There are some worth rummaging through, but I'm afraid I didn't want to share those! And charity shops outside of London are sometimes more reasonably priced - and less aware of the value of vintage.

I already sent Buckaroo some info about carboots on u2u - that is probably the best bet. Also Brick lane market, I believe, is worth getting up early for (Brick Lane isn't especially for clothes - it's notorious for stolen bicycles - but it will probably have some and lots of other 'stuff', plus there are some great vintage shops round there with loads of stock, but again probably priced to wear not resell). Have a brick lane curry afterward!

I'm not sure what you mean about the money, the way pound is right now against the dollar, that should work in your favour - and I would say would make it well worth looking. And indeed, in these tough economic times - you should haggle as hard as you can!

I live in London and I rarely buy for resale here anymore. You're better off going to out-of-town events, boot sales and charity shops (the ones where you can rummage, rather than the Oxfam types). That said, Notting Hill can still turn up the odd gem if you're prepared to hunt, and I understand Greenwich market on a Sunday is potentially good as well. I just don't have the energy for it all anymore, not in winter at any rate. I don't mind so much in the summer when I can just wander around backstreets rather than running from warm place to warm place ;)
by Notting Hill do you mean Portobello Road, the market and the shops, Emma?

And as an afterthought, as it's not just clothes she's looking for, charity shops maybe worth looking at, even the more well organised ones (but not Oxfam, not worth her time) I find their bric-a-brac sometimes more sensibly priced than the clothes.
Thanks all for your tips and hints!

I think she'll have fun wherever she goes, and I'm looking forward to hearing what all she finds!
i wouldnt have a clue about car bootsales and markets around the london area as i am from south wales,

but just a thought what about a general auction? as sometimes, ( well around here anyway) you pick up a box of bric-a-brac or household linen for a few quid, and there can be some good stuff in them