BO in under arms


Registered Guest
Gah so I've just handwashed a 1950s cotton dress and ironed that lovely full skirt, to find that the minute the iron hit the underarms, there was a BO smell gah! How should I best treat this please? I thought the wash and oxy had been enough but evidently not. Thank you.
Turn the dress inside out and hang in the bathroom, use a small spray bottle with cheap vodka (the cheapest) and water. A 50/50 mix will do fine. Spray the underarms and let dry, repeat until the odor disappears.
Keep in mind that this may take days, one application will not work. I had a 1930s velvet dress that took 2 weeks of applications until the smell was gone. Vodka is the preferred method that costumers use.

Good luck!
I always wonder why people use Vodka, which has an acidic ph of 4, versus pure Ethanol, which is alomost ph neutral...?
Brilliant thank you Carla! I will try that and then should I wash it again? Sob! All that washing and ironing I've already done.

Melanie - perhaps the acidic nature is what addresses the bacteria causing the smell? Just a guess.
BO usually comes out of cotton fabrics easily enough, especially considering the care you've already provided so I wonder if the fabric might be rayon instead? Rayon can duplicate cotton and holds onto perspiration smells a lot more. To remove the BO, you need to kill the bacteria that's causing it. I'm not a fan of the vodka method as the sugars can affect the fabric but as long as you wash it out afterwards, you should be fine.