On Saturday the new Tullie House exhibtition BODY SPACE opened and l thought l would just let it be known, that it is here from now until 4th May 2008
Body Space explores the use and representation of clothing in contemporary art, and investigates the relationship between dress and personal identity, including ideas around gender, sexuality, normalcy, culture, status, and revelation versus concealment, as well as dress used as an extension of the body or psyche.
Including Tullie HOuse's own very rare COURT MANTUA this stunning! Some antique corsetware mixewd with contemporary works.
Body Space explores the use and representation of clothing in contemporary art, and investigates the relationship between dress and personal identity, including ideas around gender, sexuality, normalcy, culture, status, and revelation versus concealment, as well as dress used as an extension of the body or psyche.
Including Tullie HOuse's own very rare COURT MANTUA this stunning! Some antique corsetware mixewd with contemporary works.