Warning: If you do not wish to see semi mannequin nudity, LOOK AWAY!!! LOL
This i obtained from an estate a while back, and I thought it was high time i did something with it. Doing a bit of a post easter clean out.
Would you say it is Boho or NO NO! lol It might be just plain hippie or just confused. In fact it is one of those things that you might be absolutely in love...or the color choice on the fringe may just repel you to no end. Before i wrestled jeans onto my gal, and while i was contemplating this one, i thought i would share. The design is woven like a very loopy embroidery as the thread is slightly larger, but its not crewel work.
So what is it Bohemian or just awful?
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/boho2.jpg" width=432 height=328>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/boho.jpg" width=360 height=579>
This i obtained from an estate a while back, and I thought it was high time i did something with it. Doing a bit of a post easter clean out.
Would you say it is Boho or NO NO! lol It might be just plain hippie or just confused. In fact it is one of those things that you might be absolutely in love...or the color choice on the fringe may just repel you to no end. Before i wrestled jeans onto my gal, and while i was contemplating this one, i thought i would share. The design is woven like a very loopy embroidery as the thread is slightly larger, but its not crewel work.
So what is it Bohemian or just awful?
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/boho2.jpg" width=432 height=328>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/boho.jpg" width=360 height=579>